
業(yè)務 13270971333

- 分類:項目開發(fā)流程
- 發(fā)布時間:2021-03-09 13:56:11
- 訪問量:0
Nakamura Mold Center has more than 10 years of experience in mold development and manufacturing, and now has more than 10 experienced and skilled mold design, process preparation and processing and assembly technician team. The center has mold design room, process room, wire cutting, EDM processing, CNC fine engraving, CNC machining center, process grinder, assembly clamp and other workshops, so that the company's mold development and manufacturing capacity, cost, speed, with core competitiveness.
The company was elected as the fifth China Electronic Chamber of Commerce director unit from 2012 to 2016, the sixth China Electronic Chamber of Commerce executive director unit in 2017, the eighth China Mold Industry Association director unit in 2017, in 2014 by the Department of Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province identified as "Science and Technology-based Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of Zhejiang Province", etc.
Mold Center has formed the annual production capacity of various types of precision plastic molds, precision stamping molds, plastic and hardware mosaic molds, on the one hand to meet the company's internal needs for continuous development of new products, but also for the international market to undertake mold business, to solve various mold technical problems for our customers, reduce costs and develop high precision molds.
中村金型センターは、金型開発と製造に10年以上の経験を持ち、現(xiàn)在では10人以上の経験豊富で熟練した金型設計、工程準備と加工、組立技術者チームを擁しています。 センターは、金型設計室、プロセスルーム、ワイヤーカット、EDM加工、CNCファイン彫刻、CNCマシニングセンター、プロセス研削盤、アセンブリクランプや他のワークショップを持っているので、コア競爭力を持つ同社の金型開発と製造能力、コスト、スピード、。
3 期連続で浙江省の越青市金型協(xié)會の副事務局長単位、副社長単位、執(zhí)行副社長単位となっています。 2012-2016 年は第 5 回中國電子商會役員単位、2017 年は第 6 回中國電子商會役員単位、2017 年は第 8 回中國金型工業(yè)協(xié)會役員単位として選出され、2014 年は浙江省の科學技術部によって識別されました。 "浙江省の科學技術を基盤とした中小企業(yè) "など